Saturday, December 1, 2012

Blog 10 Senior Project Update

(1) Currently I am doing the only thing I can do for my independent component and that is continuing my mentorship and coaching a team. I have been looking up courses I can take along with my mentorship to become safety certified and they are very expensive. The one I need is $110 and it it only 3 and a half hours long. I found another course that is 45 dollars and it is a certification through the National Federation of State High School Associations. It too is online and only requires a couple hours. I need some consulting, I'll set up a meeting with Pittman this week.

(2) (Sticks and Stones Will Break That Bone! - Activity - I found this project and it interested me quite a bit, I might add this to my science fair to test bones. I'll go to a butcher's shop and ask for some pig bones since their physiology is closest to a human's. I will apply pressure and test the bones to their breaking points and record the amount of force it took. This lesson as given me new ideas of how to use the force plate to get even more data. I am very excited to begin my procedures.

(3) This is my team, Starz Pink. I coach them nearly every Friday and Saturday for about 2-3 hours. This team has improved so much since they started and we got two boys! I'm very excited for the rest of the season and I already love every one of them. I have learned ways to connect with the team and communicate with them properly. Through my research I have become a better coach and I have actually helped some of them!